Personal Tarot Readings


O P T I O N 1

REFRESH - Quick Read

Refresh your focus with a quick overview of your current energy or a specific situation. Ideal for reconnecting with intuition, overcoming obstacles, finding clarity, and understanding universal messages.

$25 - Approximately 15 minutes.

Available: in-person, live virtual, or prerecorded private link.

O P T I O N 2

RESET - General Personal Reading

Reset your perspective with insights into your current energy or specific situations. Best for understanding challenges, connecting with universal messages, restoring spirit connection, and trusting intuition.

$55 Approximately 30 minutes.

Available: in-person, live virtual, or prerecorded private link.

O P T I O N 3

RECONNECT - Deep Personal Reading

Reconnect with your soul through a deep dive into four life areas: EARTH (career, finances), WATER (emotions, relationships), AIR (thoughts, communication), FIRE (passions, creativity). This reading balances energy, aids in overcoming obstacles, and guides during transitions.

$111 - Approximately 60 minutes.

Available: in-person, live virtual, or prerecorded private link.

O P T I O N 4

RENEW - Year Ahead Reading

Renew your perspective for the year with insights into overall energy, themes, and advice. Break down the year into three-month cycles for daily guidance. Perfect for birthdays, new years, and transitions.

$155 Approximately 60 minutes.

Available: in-person, live virtual, or prerecorded private link.

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